Montag, 2. Mai 2011

The Temptation

a clever and surprising way to meet new friends (girls, boys, men, women) and do the first step …

Create curiosity and surprise with this app that will help to analyze the shared desire to go further.

How to start? it's on you!! … probably with words like “crazy apps that exist” and “bought this one – wonder how ever this works”, “don’t believer that it will work” … make him/her curious about it – invite to have a look!

At this point the other could say no for the first time!

Does not – good start position for the next step.

Nice picture on the screen – see the two puppets – funny!!

Show how it works! "You take the phone on the one side – I do the same on the other side". Your have to take it between forefinger and thumb – the thumb has to be pressed onto the screen.

At this point the other could say no again!

Does not – even better position for the next step.

The app starts to build up contact between the two thumbs – you see it with lightning strokes and little burst with some sound. You recognize that the heat is rising on the thermometer.

At any time the other can stop!
Does not – situation improves even more

The longer you go on the better the chance will be that the heat on the thermometer rises. It starts from the drinks (invitation for a drink) to the dinner table (other evening - invitation dinner, cinema or something else) to the puppets that kiss (interpret this as you wish) to the love symbol (its on you what this intends to mean)

If one of you lifts the finger the measurement stops – this is the result. You can restart when this was a mistake.

The app will not interpret the results for you – be creative - together!

By the way - the game does not only happen on the upper side of the iPhone - recognize the contact of the forefingers on the back side.

Be very sensitive when you want to make use of this.

You cannot trick here - the other will recognize this immediately - the other does not stop - this is very promising!!

Remember – both have the possibility to stop at any moment.
The result of the thermometer is no contract - it is only a base for further discussions.

You understand that the iPhone will never be able to measure more than the pure existence of two thumbs on the screen. No magic psychological analysis is happening. The result of this app is depending only on your both willingness to go further and a lot of randomization.

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